security pool fencing & legislation
Tuesday, September 27, 2011 @ 4:52 PM
Over the years living and working on the costa del sol there has always been talk about new laws regarding swimming pool security for all outdoor pools. Doing my home work ive found out that the four options are (secure fencing, immersion alarms, reinforced pool covers, and area perimeter alarms. People who own there property and rent the property out as holiday lets MUST have one of the security systems installed or any medical insurance is void, basically if an accident should occur with holiday maker and they need treatment, if the insurance broker decides to investigate the claim and there is no safety devices installed above they will end up receiving a massive bill from the hostpital, and to make matter worse the owner will be fined a minimum 45.000 euros, the same rules apply for communities but the fines are a minimun of 225.000 euros.
If you would like to know more about these rules and regulations please do not hesitate to contact me.
Lloyd Petherbridge
952590651 / 649696453