How to overcome the loss of your holiday home
Wednesday, December 13, 2017 @ 3:04 PM

How to overcome the loss of your holiday home
When you are forced to sell your home abroad, it can feel like letting go of a dream, and moving back home can be a challenge.While it’s easy to bury your head in the sand, it’s important to try and remain positive, so check out our tips on how to overcome the loss of your holiday home.
Keep busy
There’s no point in dwelling on things that can’t be changed, so when it comes to the loss of your home abroad, try not to spend too much time obsessing over what you’re missing out on and instead keep busy with things that you enjoy and make you feel happy. This could be meeting friends or going to the gym, but whatever it is, try to keep your mind from running away with you.
Get on top of your finances
If you’ve been forced to sell your home abroad because of financial complications, one of the best ways that you can make yourself feel better is to make a financial plan and stick to it. Whether this is to save some money each month or contribute to paying off loans, having an idea mapped out of what you need to do is going to make you feel much more proactive.
Do things that remind you of good times
Just because you have lost your home abroad, that doesn’t mean that you have to let go of all the good times you had and the fun things that you got up to. If you had traditions or things that you would do frequently in your holiday home, why not continue doing them back in your UK residence? Of course, some things won’t be possible, but if it was having a cooked breakfast every Sunday, eating outside a few times a week or having a games nights on the weekend with your friends, these things can easily be continued wherever you are.
Go on holiday
The attraction of purchasing a holiday home was being able to relax and enjoy a warmer climate, so why not continue doing this by going away every once in a while? It doesn’t have to be a big, expensive holiday, even just a long weekend in a sunnier part of the UK will perk you up.
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