Overseas Foreign Debt
Wednesday, October 2, 2019 @ 12:58 PM
EU Property Solutions are proud that we keep growing the number of clients we assist across Europe and in fact the world. Pre - 2008 we saw many investors purchase their property in the sun and a large number of these borrowers have fallen foul of the much-publicised property market decline.
With so many borrowers falling into Negative Equity and property debt EU Property Solutions was incorporated to assist as many individuals as possible. To date we have successfully completed cases in:
The bulk of our current works are in Spain and hence our office location there. Spain was significantly affected by the property crash post-2008 and naturally being an area of significant investment for borrowers from UK and Ireland we see thousands affected by the decline.
Looking further afield we have had in the last three months settlements in New Zealand and Hungary. The Hungarian case was another example of poor lending by overseas Banks using the Swiss Franc Currency.
We know the processes involved for each specific lender allowing up to date and current advice being available to our clients.
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