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Flying? The safest form of transport!!

Looking around and looking up, just to keep an eye on the world of aviation and report those obscure findings and happenings.

30 Chinese push faulty plane.
Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 11:30 PM

A Chinese airport shocked passengers and crew — by sending 30 workers to push a faulty aircraft for 1km off a runway.

It took workers at Zhengzhou’s airport nearly two hours to push the CRJ7, with 69 passengers and seven crew members on board, to a side lane.

“Thank goodness it was only a 20-ton medium-sized airplane. If it had been a big plane, it would have knocked us out,” reported one man, who said he had never experienced anything like it in 10 years at the airport.

Officials said the aircraft’s front hydraulic system was faulty and it could not be attached to a tow truck.

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