A little more info on settling in - sort of!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008 @ 2:43 PM
I'm like a UK bus, nothing for ages then 2 come along!
Just adding this post as I've had some questions which I am more than happy to answer at any time. In terms of the financial cost to us living here from Blighty, I can break it down as such: deposit on apartment: 650 euros, monthly rent 650 euros, electricity not sure yet as the 2 monthly bill has only just gone to landlady who will tell us how much we pay her, telephone line put in and internet access: 120 euros as there was a good deal going with Telefonica in English ( I would recommened anyone getting their phone line connected etc to go through that site as it does what it say's on the tin - its in English) however once you've gong through them everything you get back is Spanish and without Babelfish we would have had no idea what anything meant! Very shouty between hubby and I at that point because we both felt as though we were drowning in our own ignorance. We've got through it though and can almost laugh about it. The ongoing cost of the internet is quite expensive at about 40 euros per month but I would think it's cheaper than mobile internet. However I shall be using that when I go on holiday to Tenerife in October and still have to work the business whilst away. I will let you know if it is cheaper than Telefonica landline or not after I come back.
I find that the food is expensive here in most of the different supermarkets but the fruit and veg markets are very reasonably priced.
We have been living on our savings which I know we are fortunate to be able to do and which I know I will want to replenish as soon as possible so we tend to work 16 hour days 7 days a week at the moment.
Finally as someone asked me what our dogs are we have two 11-year old dogs, one called Lucy who is a cross-poodle with a Jack Russel and is mostly black except where her grey is coming through (no Grecian 2000 for her!) and we have a male Jack Russel who's brown and white and his brown is getting as white as his white.
As I said earlier in this post if anyone wants to comment or ask a question feel free to do so. I would be happy let you know the ins and outs we have gone through to get our NIE and social security numbers, get the dogs passports, flights etc.
Talk to you soon.