Taking a short break - normal service will be resumed soon!
Monday, April 22, 2013 @ 11:42 PM
Hello, everyone. I know I've only recently started this second blog, but it's going really well, so I'd like to thank you for your encouragement and feedback. It's nice to know I'm writing what you want to read.
Unfortunately, life's going to get in the way of the blogging for a few days. My niece is getting married on Saturday in the UK, and of course, she wants us there. I did ask her if she could put it off for a few weeks until the blog is better established, but she wouldn't play along, so I have to take a break. I can't guarantee getting Internet access again until 3rd May, when we arrive at our caravan in Devon, but I'll make up for the shortage of posts then, I promise.
We're travelling to the UK by motor home, and then at the end of May we're returning to the Costa Blanca, but taking a detour through Portugal, as we've never been there before. I'm really looking forward to trying the Portuguese food, and hopefully I'll have some recipes or ideas to pass on when we get back.
See you soon, and please keep the questions and comments coming. If you get withdrawal symptoms, you can always check out my other blog on EOS, which has been going for a couple of months and has some recipes and food-related posts. I'll be moving them across when I get settled again, as I'd like to get all the food and drink posts together.