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Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays.

Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays is about the many and varied dogs that we find around our village. Many are abandonados, some are just plain lost, all are real characters, mostly streetwise but occasionally foolhardy. These are some of the stories...

Missing Trogs (a continuacion...)
Thursday, March 3, 2011 @ 4:28 AM

I was talking to one of the villagers today and he told me that he thinks that the missing trio were picked up by a Repsol tanker driver who passes through the village. This gives me some hope that the three of them might just have some kind of life. I just hope its the kind of life that I would wish for them...

In the meantime, the fourth one decided to go walkabout yesterday; I took some food down for her mid afternoon and she was there as happy as Larry. When I took the rest of the pack out around 7pm though she had gone. I checked on her at around midnight and still no sign. Given the disappearance of the others i got a bit concerned, particularly when she was adrift all day today as well. However when I took the pack out tonight at around midnight she was back, hungrily demanding her tea when we approached her cave. Just been down to see that she's ok and so she is! Still not willing to be touched or stroked so I guess that capture routine we were going to do today will have to be put off til later. Maybe she will respond better to a female touch. Hope So.


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