Prison Break (canine style!)
Thursday, March 3, 2011 @ 4:49 AM
OK been a while since I said anything about Spike or Scruffy our two delinquent abandonados.
Took bothto the vets on Saturday for their final round of routine jabs and microchipping. (Thats got to hurt have you seen the size of the bloody needle?) Anyway both got over it pretty quickly although scruffy was sick on the way home, but thats probably just car-sickness and stress relief.
What has all this to do with Prison Break?
Spike and Scruffy have found a place they can sit out in the sun when its I have said we don't have a garden or patio just a small roof terrace, and the dogs aren't to happy up there.
Hers a picture taken this afternoon...

Spike is on the left and Scruffy is on the right.
They arent the best behaved dogs in the world and they terrorise Sox our podenca.
Izzy and Leo tend to look upon them as being beneath contempt and have disowned them completely and have moved upstairs into the spare bedroom...
anyway....guess that's it for now...