Summer is back home but effectively confined to the ground floor for a while. The clips / sutures are supposed to be removed on Tuesday. Then hopefully it's just the long recuperation period we have to cope with. She has to go back to the hospital in about a months time for a check-up and x-rays.
It's so damned ironic! We set out trying our damndest to help the little ones abandonded for whatever reason, and the whole thing has backfired on us big time. I mean it was never meant to be some sort of refuge, just us doing our bit for the unfortunate ones that find themselves abandoned in the village.
The small size of our property is our biggest stumbling block and there are steps everywhere, two up one down to get from the living room to the kitchen and bathroom, two quite high steps to get from the street to the living room and all tiled throughout,.
Piddle-puddles can be a real hazard on the tiles and given the pretty dire weather weve had over the last 10 days, everytime I take the dogs out for a walk involves having to make sure that the floor is completely dried off as soon as we get back indoors because crutches and slippy floor tiles dont mix wel!.
Summer (Aries female!) is handling the whole thing quite well all things considered. She is on self administered Heparin shots and strong painkillers although she is trying to wean herself off the painkillers slowly. She is using half crutches and is under strict instructions not to put any weight on the injured leg although its quite impossible to negotiate steps without doing so to some extent.
The dogs are slowly learning that NO most definitely means NO; we have always encouraged them to come up for a cuddle when they are feeling insecure and they are having a bit of a problem understanding that Summer's left leg is not there to be jumped on; but they are slowly getting the idea.
We are actually having a lazy day today; its raining again with a bit of a tormenta rolling through, so the animals are showing no great desire to go walkies and are thus engaged in a prolonged siesta period, so it's nice and quiet at the moment.
(By the way, just to add to the general mischief, Siouxsie, the last of the trogs, escaped from her new home and immediately headed back to her cave. Her would be keeper has shown no interest in her since her escape so I guess he was thinking more in terms of breeding from her rather than keeping her as a companion. She is growing up to be a fine looking girl and apart from the odd tick which I have dealt with she is incredibly fit.. She is now adorned with a Scalibor collar which should keep the ticks and other parasites at bay. I am still the only human she will relate to but seems perfectly happy to live her life as she sees fit. I still want to get her to the vets sometime in the near future and get her spayed before she comes into season and gets caught out. Last thing we need is yet another pregnant dog in the village).
Fred and Wilma


Spike and Scruffy (The Villains...)

More later...