A new billboard has gone up C3319 motorway, Pozo Aledo, Murcia
Wednesday, July 3, 2013 @ 1:12 PM
A new billboard has gone up, C3319 motorway, Pozo Aledo, Murcia.
From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol.
"We are up and finished, holy moly. Really pleased with this billboard and we felt it was so important to keep the billboards going and growing. Its 24hr publicity and we want the galgos to be in peoples minds.
Huge thanks to our star Zoe who is the beautiful chick in the photo with our billboard boy Lucas. Huge thanks to Gareth Doolan who took this wonderful photo and spent the day with our galgos and getting to know them. He is available for any private work and his number is: 685 26 114 . Also to the people who donated towards the board alongside Galgos del Sol; Brooke Shenson, Monica Whitman, Shirley Latta and Protectora ADAM in Pilar de Horadada.
There are still many more sponsors needed and we hope we receive more support to keep this going. We really believe they are making a difference.
The billboard company M3 Publicidad gave us a good discount to allow the board to go up, thank you. Marylou & Sharron thank you for everything you do to support GDS and the galgos here in Spain.... xxxx Another board up xxx"

As Tina says "There are still many more sponsors needed and we hope we receive more support to keep this going. We really believe they are making a difference."
If you would like to help with a donation, please contact Tina on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988?fref=ts
or contact her through the website http://www.galgosdelsol.org/
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