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Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality!

There is an ABSOLUTE NEED to highlight the plight of galgos (greyhounds) in Spain. This blog is to help the refuge, Galgos Del Sol in Murcia, Costa Blanca.

Another two adults and six newborn pups arrive at Galgos del Sol
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 @ 1:27 PM

Tina & Kyle are already caring for around 100 Galgos but another two adults and six newborn pups arrived at Galgos del Sol yesterday after quite a traumatic couple of days.

The expectant mum was seen but wouldn't be caught. Then she was seen giving birth & eventually she plus six of her newborn pups .. another two had died .. were caught & taken to GdS.

Tina says "Mum is now settled with GdS. Shes an older lady, bless her, with few teeth. Her name is now Pumpkin, named after a very special greyhound who passed over the bridge recently. She was from

New Hampshire USA and her mummy Sharron is heartbroken. When Sharron's heartbroken GdS are heartbroken so Pumpkin is here to tell her that we love her and we will do everything we can to save these little galgo puppies"

The dad of the newborn babies has also been caught.... the family together plus an army of ticks. Local gypsies have confirmed the mum has given birth many times in the streets and every time all the babies have died. Let's hope this time is different.....the pups are pure galgo!

If anyone is able to donate to help care for these please do. Thanks in anticipation. There is a 'donate' button on their website

Follow Galgos del Sol on Facebook, there's SO MUCH MORE ON THERE THAN MY BLOGS CAN TELL YOU! 

There's a video of Pumpkin & her puppies just been added there. 

Below: The story in pictures!


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