Pumpkin and her pups are ready to be considered for adoption
Sunday, May 11, 2014 @ 12:09 PM
Please read about Pumpkin & her puppies >>> here <<<
Pumpkin is ready to be considered for adoption once she's spayed.
We are starting to take enquiries for Pumpkin - she is approx 8 yrs old now - but she won't be ready to travel yet as she has Erlichia which is currently being treated.
She is a cheeky wonderful girl that will fit into any gentle pack or home. She deserves a marvellous life, who can offer her that?

Regarding her puppies ..please consider sponsoring one of the pumpkin pups just a few euros per month. First vaccines are coming up plus they are still on Royal Canin which is costing us a mini fortune.
Visit http://www.galgosdelsol.org and click sponsor a hound. Thank you in advance.

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