Prayers for Fina, Rosi & Robin
Tuesday, May 13, 2014 @ 1:15 PM
Galgos del Sol have very sick dogs in the Alicante hospital, please let them pull through.
You can follow news about these dogs & others at GdS on their Facebook page here
Everything is very fast moving at GdS. Please join our fb group, see what Tina, Kyle & others do for the Galgos in their care, it's amazing.
Fina ..below ..remains critical in hospital... So, so sad ! She's in a right mess but this morning she's eaten which is a good sign. Decided to give it a bit more time. Maybe there is hope.....

Rosi .. below .. also remains critical. She has Lupus. Her oesophagus is not working. This is a direct result of the Lupus. Her chances of full recovery are slim but we will fight just a few more days. If she can recover all that needs to change is better food and for her to eat standing upright!!

Robin .. below also at hospital today... She's been losing blood from the back end.. quite a lot of it! Arghhh does it ever end !!!

Little Bruno ..below .. one of Pumpkin's pups, had an x-ray 7th May as he started shaking & holding his head to one side. He has had a head trauma. (See added photo of xray.) With medication he seems to be getting better.

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