If you look at this photo .. below .. carefully you will see a galgo playing with a ball which is the most obvious feature but take a moment to look at the rest. You will see a washing line with clothes, a tyre swing for children and you may come to the conclusion it's our home. For three years we have housed over 500 galgos in our homes renting out several fincas at a time.

The stress has been unbearable to breaking point with little sleep, never being able to escape work, surrounded by good old poop, can't even watch a movie without something happening, all unpaid just with sheer passion with your support and help to get thru it.
The new centre is the light at the end of the tunnel preventing burn out of us humans. From our point of view us 2 legged creatures need this to find our sanity and to be able to continue this work healthily and not being pushed to the point where we forget why we started this.
Our mission today on this Saturday knowing weekends are slow is to raise 400 dollars just by you asking your friends for some coffee money today (remember it will be tripled to a over a thousand. Please talk to your friends, ask for a few euros, pounds, dollars. Tell them about the galgos, be shameless if you have to and let's get 400 dollars in by the end of today.
If you have collected cash and can't PP immediately that's fine just let us know how much you raised so we know when we tot up today's target. Remember it's just a few euros.... there's over 15,000 likes' on our Facebook page so this must be a piece of cake!!!!! Let's get going. SHARE, ASK and tell people about the new centre and how it will change the lives of galgos in Murcia.
Here is just the start. A new piece of land already approved by the council to start building a galgo rescue centre which can hold up to 300 galgos.

This is so important that we make this happen for so many reasons. Too many reasons. The present situation of the housing for GDS is rented and not long term, we have never been in a position to buy our own before. Soon our rental contracts come to an end and it's start all over again.
This land comes with a difference. We will be working with the council to make it fully legal, making us liable for inspections, opening hours, contracts with galgueros, vet visits, it will have luxury housing for the galgos so no more stress of large packs which can often become dangerous and unmanageable, education visits for children, volunteer programmes and so much more, the list goes on.
Look at the photo above and visualise the centre, making Murcia a better place for galgos. Visualize this dream for the Galgos with us. Please keep up the momentum, keep fundraising, donate generously, talk to your friends, keep rolling those ideas... we can do this!!!!
Remember for every dollar donated our anonymous investor will triple it. What are you thinking? Let us know!
Please donate to...paypal galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
In the UK
Sort code - 30-90-54
Account number - 40152868
Please donate to,
Galgos del Sol Sociedad Protectora de Animales
IBAN - ES88 0487 0543 2420 0700 0479