All good things today at Galgos del Sol
Friday, May 23, 2014 @ 1:15 PM
Bruno had a mysterious fracture on his skull which caused him to walk in circles and tilt his head but with the right hospital treatment, stimulation and care he is almost good as new.

From Tina ..
The sun is blazing hot, the pups are happy and today we say goodbye to Shane and Aldi, two poddies! Huge thanks to Sallie Lisa At grateful greyhounds for taking Aldi and to galgo and podenco support for the adoption of Shane. Both will be just dandy. Must never forget our champion transporter Brian from Ibizan Hound Rescue who will be taking the dogs to madrid airport to meet Sam our flight patron!!!! Wow .. great team work. Thank you and safe trip babies xx

Don't miss Tengo speaking click on video below, it's hilarious.
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