Terribly sad news: Pumpkin has gone to Rainbow Bridge this afternoon unexpectedly
Thursday, May 29, 2014 @ 6:05 PM

I have blogged many times about Pumpkin & her puppies. This is a very sad post for me to be blogging today. There are so many tears being shed over this particular galga who stole our hearts.
From Tina.. "Pumpkin gave birth on the streets almost two months ago, she was alone, scared and fighting for her life as well as those of her babies who were born in the gutter on the streets in Cartegena.
She was rescued and came safe to GDS. Pumpkin lived in our bathroom, we took showers whilst she nursed her babies, sat on the loo whilst twiddling her ears as that's the only space we had for her, to save her and her newborn babies.
She loved her babies but didn't cope so well but she still fought and tried to feed them until she fell on her knees with exhaustion and couldn't do no more. We made the decision to separate them. We promised to take care of her babies and gave her the life of luxury. She was doing so well.
What started out a positive day has quickly ended in tragedy. When I say above she was fighting for her life I now know I meant literally for we have just learned she is riddled with cancer. There is no going back and as I type this thru heavy tears we are on our way to the vet to say goodbye. But the killer is we didn't know and she's already under anaesthetic and open for a simple spaying so she won't hear us and the last words she heard were not of us telling her we love her because I thought she was coming home in the morning. The guilt has done us in..... Oh Pumpkin. I don't know what else to write... Numb."
From Tina (later today) ... "In absolute shock as we kiss her goodbye. We whisper in her ear. The only thing we can do now is promise her everyone of her babies (we call them Pumpkin seeds) will be safe and cared for forever. Will miss this cheeky chicken thief so much. Rest in Peace beautiful, funny, strong, wise mumma Pumpkin. Xxx love you xx sorry xx"

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