Bobby is ready for his forever home
Wednesday, June 11, 2014 @ 10:21 PM
Bobby was hit by a car and left to die on the motorway until a kind local school teacher stopped and picked him up to take him to the vets. X-RAYS showed that the bones in his back left leg were completely shattered and left no other option but to amputate the leg.
Unfortunately that wasn't all. Bobby had a fractured hip and had broken all his toes in his back right leg. One toe was even broken in two places. Bobby had a very large vet bill and no place to go. Galgos del Sol decided to take him on board and pay for his treatment.
Bobby went into foster care as soon as he left the clinic and there he started his long recovery after an operation to amputate one of his back legs and another operation to put pins in all his broken toes. The recovery was tough but Bobby showed all signs of wanting to live and make a full recovery.

Bobby loves being with people & gets on well with both big and small dogs. He is the most loving little guy ever.
6 months on ......Bobby is ready for his forever home!

Any interest in Bobby, please email

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