Tina swims for charity despite presence of jelly fish
Sunday, July 13, 2014 @ 12:50 PM
From Tina around midday Spanish time: All entered into the 1.5 sea swim race. This is also raising money for multiple sclerosis. This race is in the Mediterranean Sea and we know there is jellies as they are washing up in the beach arghhhhh.
This time not asking for money sponsorships as you've all been generous already but just asking if you could please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988

from Tina All over... There was over 300 competitors and one of those buggers kicked me where the sun don't shine. Swimming out at the start it was fun getting tangled up in a seaweed bush but even more fun watching the jellies beneath us, all shapes and sizes, the water crystal clear... It was amazing.
Finally finished in a sprint alongside my mate Sarah, she just beat me! When finally getting my goggles off I congratulated myself by accidentally rubbing a tonne of sea salt in my eyes, that really stung so I rinsed my eyes in the sea and thought what a stupid idea.

All that and all we ask is for you to give our page a real push to get the LIKES up. It's free and takes a second. Phase two is coming and we need all the support we can get.
Ok now back to the dogs xxx
Again.. please join us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988

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