Help Galgos del Sol with their billboard campaign please
Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 11:47 PM

From Tina, President of Galgos del Sol ......
Galgos del Sol has been working hard to break the vicious cycle of abuse towards galgos and trying to promote them as wonderful pets. We started putting up billboards a few years back and we believe they are having a positive impact. We are receiving more phonecalls from the public about galgos they have seen that need help and they feel they can get more involved with rescuing a needy dog/galgo because there is help out there.
Tradition here is a galgo is only seen as a working dog but we want to show that they need to be treated with respect and find homes for retirement rather than a life scavenging and dying on the streets. Touch wood, we are not seeing anywhere near as many galgos on the streets as we used to.
The billboard campaign alongside the school talks is surely having a positive effect. Above are just a few of the billboards..... if you would like to donate towards a billboard please do so at PayPal
It's so important we keep going with this message and keep throwing the galgos out there into the public eye letting people know it's not ok to treat them badly!!!!!

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