Eva is making loombands for GdS
Thursday, July 31, 2014 @ 1:13 PM

15 year old Eva, from Belgium, is doing her bit for Galgos del Sol. She is the daughter of a wonderful person called Kim who volunteers occasionally at Galgos del Sol & Eva wants to help in the realisation of the new Galgos del Sol Centre .
She is making loom bands in all colours and sizes!
Send her a message on her Facebook page for any questions & orders. If you've ordered from her, you need to send the money to the GDS paypal account galgosdelsol@hotmail.com with notification "LOOMBANDS".
So...go to Eva's page please..........
..............click on "PHOTOS" then on "ALBUMS" then click on which album you want to look in.
**Prices include postage from Belgium.**
Here are a few bracelets, there are many more & in your choice of colours.

Support Eva and Galgos del Sol whose Facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988
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