Fun with the GdS auction and Galgos leaving for new homes
Monday, September 22, 2014 @ 2:59 PM
22/9 Ramona and Noam leave GdS for Belgium! How did they handle the airport journey?
Would you like to help us build the center?
The GDS galgos and pods are so excited that they have agreed to read out the auction news for you however you need to join the auction and have some fun.
It's Katie's turn to read the news! You can join the auction here
How did she do?
21/9 From Tina...
Today GDS says goodbye to Tiny Tim pumpkin seed, Rene and Catalina!
All going to the USA thanks to Galgo Podenco Support
and Fast Friends Adoption Center.
Going to miss Marylou, Sharron and Sam terribly! They are like family to GDS and myself, thank you for everything you do for me.
Big thanks to Brian at Ibizan Hound Rescue
for helping with the transport of 8 dogs now on their way to new homes!
Thank you everyone xx

It's Cezar's turn to read the news..... Click the link here. Please please join us.
Jason gives the latest news

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