Please join our GDS 16 Dogs a Day Initiative, work has begun on land
Wednesday, October 29, 2014 @ 11:22 AM
Please join our GDS 16 Dogs a Day Initiative. (See further down post for details!)
From Tina "Big fiesta right in front of the 16 dogs a day billboard! OK come on.. does that look awesome or does that look AWESOME!!!!!!???? The galgos will be in a lot of minds tonight!
Just heard the board was also talked about at a press conference in Torrevieja!!!!! Yayyyy we are getting the word out there! Galgos deserve RESPECT!!!!!!!!"

Help us get to our final goal of another 400 and another billboard. Honor a dog (or cat) and save a galgo! Make a 16 euro donation (per name) for your own loved dog(s) or cat (s) — living or passed or a GDS dog. All names will be commemorated on a billboard as well as a permanent wall mural in the future GDS center. The mural in the center will also include a list of all donor names in addition to dogs’ names.
Now that the land has been purchased, all proceeds from the initiative will go to funding kennels and a building for the new center.
To donate use our donate button on our Facebook page or on our website . To transfer money to a UK or Spanish bank, use this.
In the leave a note for seller field, include your dog's name and your last name if you want it included in the graphic. If you are donating for a dog adopted from Galgos del Sol, please include GDS after the dog’s names. Help us do it!!!
Feeling excited
28/10 Tina posted "Work continues on the land today. Also more good news. We have an English film crew visiting this week and may well feature on a programme in January with a very popular TV programme back in the UK! We will let you know more very soon! I can't take all this excitement!"

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