Work continues and Parvo strikes
Wednesday, November 26, 2014 @ 11:22 AM
From Tina "We continue work on the land. Here you can see the electricity being installed. Built Into the plans are quarantine areas so problems like Parvo will be much easier to keep under control.
GDS has reached a size now where there is no other option than to build this centre but we still have a long way to go. Are you still excited about it? We are......"

24/11 Prayers for Nube who has come down really sick. GdS took her to the vets who said she has parvo! They rushed her to the big hospital. She has a home waiting & it is devastating that she might lose her chance of a happy forever after.

Nube has been hospitalized. The hospital have said more and more older pups are getting parvo. This is really sad news. Nube was found on the streets a few weeks back so it's unlikely she received any of the vaccines she needed at the time she needed them.

From Tina "An unexpected cost this Monday morning. We know a hospital is more expensive than a clinic but here she will have 24hr care. Parvo is out there in a very aggressive manner at the moment and Nube will have the best chance we can give her. If you can help Nube survive please skip a Starbucks today and Paypal that money to
I have no idea what my gut feeling is on this as to whether she will make it or not. What I do know is I have seen puppies suffer terribly with parvo and it's haunting. Nube is in the best place she deserves it. Please help her. Thank you xx"

26/11 Update from Tina: "Little Nube is hanging on in there! Thanks to all those so far for your kind words and donations. This kind of positive support goes a very long way!
Unfortunately, we are also taking Lucas to the 24hr hospital. I guess ..being with his sister Nube.. he's also now been struck with Parvo"

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