The young galgo’s legs gave out again. “Just get up one more time,” the galga said, “we’ll make it. I can see the junkyard from here. ” But although he struggled, he just couldn’t stand. Dehydrated, starving, and weak, he realized his fate. “Go on,” he said, “you go ahead. That woman will find you. I’ve heard there is a place that welcomes our kind…” Reluctantly the galga nuzzled her friend, said goodbye, and continued on her own. “I’ll just keep walking”, she thought, “he said there is a place…”
Imagine the desperation. The ache of hunger and heartbreak. You’ve heard stories like this — and much worse before. Starved, beaten and discarded when they’re no longer needed, the plight of the galgos is one I know you are passionate about. Galgos del Sol would not exist without you. Your generosity has kept us going day after day. Your support and encouragement has spread the word about Galgos del Sol. Our support network now stretches throughout Europe, Australia and across the United States.
My vision of a new shelter and education center for these deserving dogs is actually becoming a reality. Sometimes it’s hard to believe! The land has been purchased. Water and electricity have been brought to the site. With your help, we will raise the remaining funds needed to build Phase One of the new facility. You’ve helped us get this far. We have the momentum, and I know you will help us make this happen.
The plans for the facility are so exciting! Sixty kennels in Phase One will house 120 dogs. A reception area. And can you imagine — an exercise yard! This facility will make a difference in so many ways. For the galgos: safety. No more scorching heat. No more rats. Manageable play groups means no more fights. Individual kennels each dog can eat and rest in. No more floods. All of this means a refreshed staff. Some calm. A little sanity. (Well, I can’t promise that!) And, we will finally be able to run a proper volunteer program.
Phase One calls for $433,000. I know that’s a lot of money. But I know we can do it. I know I don’t need to tell you how determined I am. You have seen us rescue hundreds and hundreds of galgos and podencos. You know that we don’t give up. And now I’m asking, please don’t give up on us. Donate now to help us raise the money needed to build this shelter.
Every gift — small or large — is important. We have exciting naming opportunities that will allow you to not only to help us, but to leave your legacy at the shelter for years and years to come. These are just some of the opportunities available:
We’ll name the shelter after you! Your gift of $100,000 will ensure that everyone knows how important the galgos are to you, and how you made the facility a reality. Go ahead. Say it now: ‘The (say your name here) Galgo Rescue and Education Center’. Has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?
For a gift of $50,000, the beautiful exercise yard will bear your name. What an honor! You’ll be able to see videos or visit while the galgos romp and play in an area that you made possible
When you donate $10,000, visitors will enter and linger in a lobby with your name on it. Hmm. ‘Yes, I’m already here. I’m waiting in the Solera lobby.’ Now that’s exciting!
The kennels all need labels! Not labels like ‘uno, dos, tres’. Labels like, ‘This kennel donated by Your Name.’ When you send your donation of $5,000, we will begin forging your kennel plaque.
The new center will have outdoor areas to walk, and sit, and relax. Wouldn’t it be lovely to have someone resting on a bench with your name on it? Yes, for a gift of $1,000 they can rest their bum on your name.
All of the olive trees need to be named. When you donate $750, we will dedicate a tree to you. Your name will wave in the sunny breezes of Spain all year round.
And, to demonstrate that it takes many steps and many stones/bricks to make a vision a reality, for $500 we will engrave your name — or the name of someone you’d like to honor — on a stone/brick for the walkway. Yes, you can pay for someone to walk all over you!
US tax deductible donations —
• GDS USA Paypal account: galgosdelsolusa@gmail.com
• Check: mail to — Galgos del Sol USA, 142 Stevens Road, Lebanon, NH 03766
UK donations —
• GDS UK Paypal account: galgosdelsoluk@gmail.com
• Check: mail to — Galgos de Sol UK, 27 King Henry Chase, Bretton, Peterborough PE3 9NX, UK
EU Donations —
• GDS Paypal account: galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
Bank transfers —
Galgos del Sol
Sort code — 30-90-54
Account number — 40152868
Galgos del Sol Sociedad Protectora
CCC — 2043 0307 0 4 2007000479
IBAN — ES19 2043 0307 0420 0700 0479
Galgos del Sol Sociedad Protectora de Animales NIF/CIF:G30856736
Remember, we need everyone’s gift to make this happen. We need your help now, so that one day the doors to our shelter will open, and everyone will know that there is a place... where the galgos are safe — and loved.
Thank you for your generosity,
Tina Solera, President of Galgos del Sol