The real story and more days of Christmas
Wednesday, December 17, 2014 @ 1:29 PM

GdS: The Real Story
Below: Artist's views of the new GdS centre. Amazing!

Below: Day 14 of Christmas - Dalgo
Below: Day 15 of Christmas - The Astrology Club
This Mastin, Mumma, was rescued by GdS, she gave birth to 9 beautiful puppies some days later, one of which was, sadly, stillborn. Since then they've thrived & will be needing homes shortly.
Below: Here is Tina with one of Mumma's puppies, they are growing FAST!

To enquire about adopting a Mastin puppy, please contact Tina on email
Below: Day 16 of Christmas - Tiburon
16th December:
From Tina: "Today we rescued another galga from a galguero! The nice thing about this story is he came to us for help and paid all the vets bills including her spay! Yup you heard us! He paid the lot!"
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Website: Click here
If you would care to donate to help the rescued Galgos please Paypal
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