Have a very happy Christmas and please continue your support in the New Year
Saturday, December 20, 2014 @ 1:23 PM

Below: Tina with Mumma's Mastin puppies that need fostering.
Please email Tina if you could foster one in the MURCIA area.
Email galgosdelsol@hotmail.com

Below: Day 17 of Christmas - Tiburon (2nd try lol)
Below: Day 18 of Christmas - Copito
Below: Day 19 of Christmas - Jasmine & Beatrice
There is SO MUCH MORE to see & read about concerning the endless work of Galgos del Sol.
Please look at their Facebook page CLICK HERE and their website CLICK HERE
And please support them with a donation via Paypal to galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
A very happy Christmas & a healthy & happy 2015 to everyone reading this blog.

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