From Tina: "Please share, our situation is critical. Please share this Indigogo link ... click here... and the video, click here for Youtube link. On Indigogo there are endless ways we can be helped. You can sponsor a brick, a tree, a bench, a kennel, name the exercise yard, you can even name the shelter .
We need to build a centre and the plans are so exciting! Last year we raised the money to purchase land, hire an architect to design a facility to code that has been approved by our local council and bring in electricity and water. We are legal charity and our land has been zoned and approved to be a rescue and education centre. What we now is the funding for a small building and kennels.
186 galgueros in Murcia use 1245 galgos, plus 600 unregistered use 1800 more. Murcia is around 4,300 m2, Spain is around 200,000 m2, you do the maths. 1000’s of galgos need us, but we are saturated, we can’t scale up any more, we are at our full capacity and we MUST get our centre up and running to have ANY chance of impacting on the lives of these dogs.
Rescue and rehoming is priority but re-educating/informing is the future. We MUST spread the message throughout and beyond Murcia, we want to be a pro-active solution not just the mop up crew
Thank you so much for everything that YOU have done for us so far but we need more. We need you to share this video and our Indiegogo page (click link on the left please) to everyone you know, to groups that you belong to, to anyone you know who can promote our cause or donate to it. We can’t do this without you, we are desperate for your help …. just as the galgos are desperate for ours."
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To make a donation in Europe please Paypal galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
For other donation options please email us at galgosdelsol@hotmail.com