Below: A DOGumentary
Below: Another DOGumentary featuring Hank.
If you would like to sponsor some food for a Galgo at the refuge please visit www.galgosdelsol.org and click 'sponsor a hound' - just a few euros a month can help towards feeding a dog.
This amount would only last 7-10 days!
There are so many Galgos (plus some podencos) available for adoption, GdS have 100 usually at any one time, they are inundated especially now at the end of the hunting season when the dogs are discarded by the hunters (galgueros).
Click on http://www.galgosdelsol.org/adoptions/available-galgos/
and http://www.galgosdelsol.org/adoptions/available-podencos/
Below: Jason needs a home.

Below: Jordan needs a home too.

Below: Alex resides in the shy corner! He came to us a frightened wreck. Now he plays football and and wags his tail like a windmill... He's finally coming along! Alex is now approx 1 year old. Please help him find a home.

Below: Flake

Below: This young man Berry still needs a home. Any football teams need a new player? He's quite the skillful one with a squeaky ball.

Below: Another new arrival Duque

Below: Meet new arrival Canalla. Another traumatized soul handed over by his galguero but luckily no physical injuries. He trembles in fear not knowing what will happen next....
Below: Luna is a lunatic but that's why we love her. She's full of personality, will bite your bum to get you to play &, when you come home from a hard day's work, you will never see a tail wag as fiercely as hers does.
Approx two years old Luna would love to find her forever home. She loves other dogs, loves kids with all her heart, she's simply wonderful.

Below: Tormenta was one of the lucky ones. She was handed over to GDS and all her vets bills were covered by her galguero, including her spay!
Her fate could have been different. She could have been laying dead on the side of the road but instead she has a chance just by communicating.
Tormenta is now ready for her forever home. She's approx 8yrs old!

Below: Galan arrived in a terrible mess. A chain had become so tight around his neck that his skin started to grow over the top of it as it bit by bit ate into his neck.
He was living on the streets alone like this in terrible pain. Some neighbors claimed to hear him crying at night, no wonder as the pain would have been constant.
Galan was difficult to catch but two local people caught finally caught him using a dart and we went to pick him up. He was operated on and had laser follow ups and treatment and now hes perfect again.
He is a little unpredictable due to his traumatic past so he must not be homed with children but a very experienced sighthound home.
Can you help a troubled one?

Please check out this link & support GDS
Please join GdS on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Galgos-del-Sol/175718192447988
Website: http://www.galgosdelsol.org
To make a tax deductable donation in the US please Paypal galgosdelsolusa@gmail.com
To make a donation in Europe please Paypal galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
" style="line-height: 1.6em;">galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
For other donation options please email us at galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
" style="line-height: 1.6em;">galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
The postal address If you'd care to send anything (like dog treats)
Galgos del Sol
The Post Room
Box 20
Centro Comercial Balneario
C/Rio Borines 68-18
30710 Los Alcazaras
Murcia, Spain