Parvo is EVIL
Thursday, March 5, 2015 @ 1:09 PM

4th March: Sad news, we've lost Cumin to Parvo!

From Tina ... "As Cumin continued to go downhill we have had no choice but to send him over Rainbow Bridge. Cumin was rescued just last week with his brothers and sisters and mum Clove. They became The Spices. A few days after their rescue Ginger became sick followed by Cumin. The look in Clove's eyes as we took them away was a haunted one and it was that look that got me as Cumin took his last breathe knowing we can't take him home. It's never fair. Go find those poddie wings and fly. RIP Cumin xxxxx"
5th March: More sad news, Ginger has lost his fight too!

From Tina ...
"This morning Ginger lost his fight for life. We didn't get back in time to the vets to hold him tight as he passed. Last night he looked a bit brighter and we told him to please make it through but his little body just couldn't. He went to hold Cumin's paw so they could run over together. He wanted to be with his brother. RIP Ginger xx
Cinnamon and Cocoa have now been admitted to hospital... Clove, their mum, knows and as we had to take them away I couldn't help but feel her agony as now all her babies have gone. Let's hope we can bring Cinnamon and Cocoa home to's heartbreaking."

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