These are just a few things which have happened recently at Galgos del Sol, it's impossible to blog all, please follow them on their Facebook page if possible.
From Tina: "Let us tell you about this boy! Irene, a local lady, spotted him and called us. He was living on an industrial estate. The most famous shop was called Decathlon so he became DECLAN! We assessed his area and it was too open and would take too long to catch him so we decided on a tranquilizing dart with a licensed professional.
Antonio darted him successfully twice but he would not go down, the adrenalin kept him going! We decided to leave him for a few days to give him a rest and to not chase him away from his area. In the meantime we gave out our contact number to the locals who kept us informed on him. Monday we went back and found him but a few minutes later Jill (pictured here) our volunteer fell over on the rough land and broke her finger. Her finger was named THE DECLAN FINGER! We spent the rest of the afternoon in A&E. Check out the matching bandages!

Five hours later in the dark we got a call. A local man heard screaming and found Declan laying on the side of the road near to where he slept. He had been hit by a car. We'd just ordered a take away but dropped it all and rushed to scene. Antonio was also there helping. Declan was covered in his own blood and couldn't move. We thought he was going to die. The kids and I drove him an hour away to the trauma unit at San Vicente vet hospital. He was seen straight away and got the best care! There were no guarantees but if he made it through the night he had a good chance. The kids and I got home around 2am, exhausted but worth it. We love him already!
He had minor internal injuries. His leg is broken but it's the ulna so can't be operated on but luckily does not need to be in order to save the leg. He went into shock but made it though!
He's coming home Friday where we will love and care for him until one of you adopt him xxxx
Thank you for your support, donations and everything you have done to show Declan how much you love him xxxx
We can't do it without you and our wonderful vets at San Vicente xxxx
He's coming home everyone, he's coming home!"

Tina picked up the ashes of The Spices, the three puppies who died of Parvo recently.

Update on The Spices. Clove and her pup Cocoa are doing great. They will be leaving for the USA to Fast Friends Adoption Center soon where they will find lovely new homes. Here's Sharron, & Clove, the pups mum, she's tiny.

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