Saved from the killing station at Jerez: Introducing Angela & Suzie, please read
Tuesday, February 1, 2011 @ 6:49 PM
A few days ago Tina found this podenca pup at the Jerez killing station & rescued her. Tina named her Angela, presumably after Angela who will act as her foster carer until the paperwork is completed in readiness for her to travel to her new owners in Germany.
This is Angela being shown to Tina at Jerez, Angela was manhandled & very, very scared.
It wasn't easy for Tina, the killing station didn't hand Angela over immediately & Tina was so worried Angela would be put down before she secured her (you don't want to know how this happens, it's often not how you'd expect). The conditions dogs are kept in are terrible & the fear they feel shows in Angela's eyes. Tina said she was terrified.
Whilst Tina was there she saw a second dog, a galga, who she managed also to rescue, that one is named Suzie & Angela & Suzie are now friends, see the photos! They are safe at last &, thanks to Tina (& her great team) Angela, at least, has a home to go to. The vet said Angela is around three months old.
This first photos are of Angela at Jerez.

Ready to leave!

Here's Suzie waiting to leave too.

And here they both are, finally safe, thanks to Tina, Gaynor & their wonderful caring team!

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