Galgos Del Sol .. Murcia .. now sell handmade galgo collars .. these are SUPERB & the refuge receives a massive donation from the lady who makes them, from what you pay for a collar!
Monday, February 14, 2011 @ 12:06 PM
Galgos del Sol now sells galgo collars... handmade, they are stunning!
Please email directly who will take your order. Please quote 'Galgos del Sol' when you make your purchase as Toni gives a huge donation per purchase to Galgos del Sol. Different colours are available.
Below: Black leather collar with aplicaded gold leather leaves and purple crystal studs linded in black suede.
Price 25.00 euros plus postage.

Below: One and a half inch martingale collar red with black dots lined in black silk so kind to your dogs neck. Adjustable to fit.
Price 14.00 euros plus postage. Galgos del Sol in Murcia receives 10 euros of this amount.

Below: Beautiful martingale collar with black and gold trim two inch wide lined in black silk with solid brass fittings.
Price 14.00 euros plus postage. Galgos del Sol receives 10.00 euros of this amount.

Below: Hand made red leather collar with gold stars lined in black suede.
Price 25.00 euros plus postage. Huge donation to Galgos del Sol from this.
We NEED your help with funding.

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