Grethe ... thank you from the bottom of our hearts for making dog coats for the dogs at Galgos del Sol refuge
Sunday, February 27, 2011 @ 3:06 PM
A couple of weeks ago I received a message from a lady called Grethe Marup, who lives in Denmark. She said she has a greyhound herself called Sweetie & she sent me a photograh of Sweetie with a coat on & said she made the coat herself.
Grethe asked if I would like her to make the greyhounds in the refuge some coats. How wonderful & how kind of her. I put her in contact with Tina & just now I heard from Grethe to say she has the coats & some straps all ready to be sent from the post office tomorrow & she sent me photographs.
This blog post is to publically thank dearest Grethe, a lady in her 70's, for caring so much.
This is Sweetie, Grethe's greyhound sporting her own coat that Grethe made.

Here are the coats Grethe has made, look at the work she has put into each & every one, amazing.


Grethe has also sent the refuge some leads for the galgos.

A HUGE THANK YOU, Grethe, from the Galgos del Sol refuge. xxx

Grethe .....

............. on 28th February

on 3rd March: Here is Grethe with her dogs & coats. She has written an article for a newspaper for dog lovers she tells me, & sent it with the photograph below, asking if people can donate materials for her to make more coats. What a kind lady. We do thank her & look forward to receiving the coats.

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