Does Tina ever rest? I sense not, not while Lorenzo needs her!
Thursday, March 3, 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Tina was alerted to a black galgo yesterday who is roaming Torre Pacheco, Murcia. He is scared, lonely & ill. She has been trying to catch him & hopes to trap him soon as he obviously needs urgent medical care.
She believes he has high level lesihmania. His feet are swollen, his skin is rotting underneath, he has wounds that look old and won't heal and smells.... all signs of a disease that is slowly killing him She's already named him Lorenzo.
She says "My big problem with Lorenzo is where to put him when I have him. I will really need to find some money from somewhere to rent somewhere to look after him because I am certain this boy has leish..... "
Good luck Tina. We support you.

Below: So close! Tina with Lorenzo.

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