A cute podenca puppy called Tina, needs a loving home.
Monday, April 4, 2011 @ 1:08 PM
Oh, Galgos del Sol refuge (Murcia area) have such beautiful galgos who desperately need homes but this little (& so cute) podenca puppy was found recently & taken in by them. The vet says she's around three months old.
If anyone can have her she'll be such an addition to your family.
Contact is at the bottom of this post, please call!

693 100 712

We are ALWAYS desperate for donations, please help this wonderful charity.

on 5th April: Angela Stacey said 'When we were putting posters out for this little podenco X we found out that she had been running around for days on a popular built up area of Playa Flamenca. Mainly British populate this area. They closed their eyes and turned the other way. You can see she is a puppy starving and alone' . The rest of Angela's comment has been deleted but you can likely guess as it's my own sentiments TOO!
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