'Summer' & her husband 'Foxbat' .. a couple who care!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011 @ 12:54 PM
'Foxbat' & 'Summer' live in an Andalucian village where dogs are abandoned, as in many other places. They are such good people. They have taken dogs in & cared for them despite they have their own dogs, little room & little funds. They feed dogs around their village too.
'Foxbat' writes a wonderful, if sad at times, blog on EOS, Spanish Street Dogs; the other Waifs and Strays (you have GOT TO READ IT!) & I've just learnt 'Summer' writes a blog here in which she has just written a great post about Galgos del Sol, thank you Summer. (ANOTHER WONDERFUL READ).
Take care you two .. from you know who!

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