Updates on Risco & Leo
Wednesday, April 6, 2011 @ 6:01 PM
(see original post here )
Tina has updated us all on Risco, who is in residence at the vets.
Risco has gone back downhill. The results from his tests show that his lungs are extremely infected all over. He will continue treatment but is quite far gone so he needs to be strong to fight this! The vet is very concerned, as are we all.

Since I posted (12th March), about the team of Galgos Del Sol trying to trap Leo, they have tried on other occasions to no avail, then ... Leo went missing! He was nowhere to be seen for days after being in the same area for months ... a huge concern to all .. but the trap was put around the area anyway, in the hope he'd show up.
Last Friday my husband & I watched the trap for half an hour to give Tina & Richard a break but nothing, so upsetting for those who have spent many hours watching, hoping.
Suddenly, yesterday, Angela & Richard Stacey spotted Leo. He looks bad they say & wouldn't come near them & ran off if they tried to approach him. They threw biscuits to him &, once they'd moved away, Leo moved in to eat the biscuits. They will be attempting to trap him again as soon as time permits.
They have been SO close to trapping him ... about three weeks ago he entered the trap twice but the door didn't release (a weld snapped
) &, after the door caught him on his back, he was spooked.

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