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Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality!

There is an ABSOLUTE NEED to highlight the plight of galgos (greyhounds) in Spain. This blog is to help the refuge, Galgos Del Sol in Murcia, Costa Blanca.

Three legged Amy needs a forever home.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011 @ 2:29 AM

Amy may have needed to have a leg amputated but she is coping well.

She is approx 3 yrs old & fully vaccined. She is negative for leishmania & filaria BUT positive for erlichia. She has not been spayed due to her recent trauma of the leg amputation.

Amy is a really happy galga who is always wagging her tail. She is extremely trusting and will make a lovely companion.

She is being cared for by the Galgos del Sol charity at their refuge.

If you could offer Amy her forever home & have any questions please email Tina on

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