Appeal for an old van donation for Galgos del Sol refuge
Monday, May 9, 2011 @ 12:08 AM
I have been asked to appeal for help for Galgos del Sol refuge for abused & abandoned galgos (Spanish working greyhounds). To date Tina who runs this refuge, & her team of volunteers, have been using their own cars but this has not been satisfactory when a trap has been needed to be transported to try to catch a dog in need. If the dog's caught there's no safe area for it in the car, ideally it should go into a cage for transporting. Tina's car now has chewed seatbelts.
She has asked me to ask if anyone, perhaps big businesses, have an old van they can donate to Galgos del Sol. It is a registered charity NIF/CIF G30856736 that relies on public donations & goodwill. The charity wants to have the trap on them at all times with a transport kennel too.
Tina preferably wants a Spanish van but a UK van would be acceptable as the charity would re-register it onto Spanish plates. They would drive a van back from the UK too, anything to get a van for their work. It would have the Galgos del Sol logo on the side and also promote the plight of galgos using the van with and the GdS webpage.
We know this is a big request but please, can anyone help this refuge which does such great work? The website & Tina's number is on this banner.

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