Ali is safe after many months of Galgos del Sol trying to catch her.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011 @ 4:03 AM
To read an earlier post about Ali click here please.
This morning Ali was rescued & there has been so much rejoicing not only by those who managed to capture her but by countries all over who have been waiting for this moment.
Already Nina, President of SASIN, Slovenian Association for Sighthounds in Need, who recently took nine dogs from Galgos del Sol, has said she has found Ali a home already, with another adopted galgo.
Here are the photos of Ali being caught today. She is now vaccined, scalibored and microchipped and just waiting for her blood test results.

Ali is ready for bed all cozy in a coat made by Grethe in Denmark. (read about Grethe here 27th February 2011)

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