Our charity needs an air conditioned van to take 8 galgos (greyhounds) to Nice, France probably 18th/19th June. CAN YOU HELP US?
Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ 1:31 AM

"I need to transport 8 galgos to Nice, France. Can ANYONE please lend our registered charity http://www.galgosdelsol.es/ http://www.perrosdelsol.es/ an airconditioned van, probably for the 18th or 19th June?"
Tall order yes but Tina's charity has no funds to buy a van & these dogs deserve the homes they'll be assured IF Tina can get them halfway then they'll be collected from Nice & taken further.
There are very caring people in the world, please show us support.
Please contact Tina on 693 100 712 or email her on galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
Thank you!

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