An 8 yr old girl took notice..........
Monday, June 13, 2011 @ 11:48 PM
Further to (Scroll down to March 26th).
I posted in the above link about Tina, President of the Galgos del Sol charity, & her husband going to a school & teaching 8 yr olds about galgos & how they should be looking after animals, hoping it would rub off & change the way galgos are looked upon in Spain & cared for as they should be.

"What can I tell you, .... an 8 yr old girl that we gave a class to about galgos saw Oscar. She rang me herself and told me how worried she was as she said he looked ill. Of course we went straight away.
This brave clever girl was right, Oscar is very ill. Half his body is missing fur and he is limping. My guess is it's very late stages of leishmania but I'm not a vet, I'm just going on past cases.
I tried my best to catch him tonight but it wasn't to be, will go back tomorrow and the next day and the next.... GdS will do their best!"
The above came in yesterday, today Oscar can't be found.
Here's Oscar, alone, ill, needing to be rescued.

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