Donations requested so we can look after this mum & 2 pups
Tuesday, July 5, 2011 @ 5:26 PM

These darlings were found yesterday in Pilar de Horadada & the wonderful Galgos del Sol charity Murcia has been asked to look after them. BUT money is at a premium, GdS has limited funds & has already promised to fund another galgo which makes two in 5 days. They want to help but, under such circumstance, are facing a dilemma as, without funds, they can't. The mum is exhausted & obviously needs attention for her back foot & they are all being looked at by the vet.
The vet and 112Carlota (another galgo charity) say they are certain they are pure galgos. At the moment the mum is having her blood tests done but they are in a really bad condition. The pups are about 6 weeks.
This is so sad to see. I will update when I have further news.
Who will give them a donation, anything rather than nothing.
Paypal direct to, site's having problems ..
or direct to
CCC - 2043 0307 0 4 2007000479
IBAN - ES19 2043 0307 0420 0700 0749
EDITED TO ADD: We have forever homes arranged for them already in Slovenia where many of the galgos Tina rescues go. We NEED to get them well, if that's possible.

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