Roxie has her forever home... another happy ending
Saturday, August 20, 2011 @ 1:09 AM
Roxie was one of our old ladies and much loved by all the volunteers. She had lived in a family home for 7yrs but sadly her owners had to return to the UK due to ill health so Galgos del Sol took Roxie in.
Roxie was soon homed to Jersey where a wonderful home awaited her, however it wasn't meant to be. On leaving GdS Roxie got in such a state that she partially collapsed and we decided it was best not to send her.
Roxie however was lucky enough to be fostered by one of our volunteers, Toni, so she was in a home environment. She settled in so well and stole the hearts of everyone around her including all of Toni's other furry friends so it was soon decided Roxie would stay forever.
Roxie is no spring chicken yet she runs faster than all the youngsters and has an unbreakable spirit. Go girl and thank you Toni.

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