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Sandy: WARNING .. explicit photos of her operation. Donations DESPERATELY needed!
Monday, August 22, 2011 @ 1:43 AM

Poor Sandy, and still we don't really understand what happened.
Sandy had been found with Floyd, at first we thought Floyd was her baby but it's possible she adopted him. Floyd was always quite rough around Sandy, in and out of her legs, constantly demanding her attention. He adored her, as she adored him.
So could this be how Sandy mysteriously smashed her leg into several pieces? Could it have been rough play gone too far? There is no other explanation. The kennel is 110% safe with nothing to climb on to make her fall, she was fine at her last check just a few hours before finding her holding her leg so really the only theory we can give you is that somehow involving Floyd something went terribly wrong.
Holding her leg in pain she was immediately rushed to the vet. On X-ray it was more than evident her leg was broken but a complicated break, like a jigsaw. A complicated break means a complicated operation and an expensive one at that. Sandy's vets bill is over 1400 euros to date.
We are pleading for donations to help us pay this bill. No matter how small, we are struggling, we really need help. PayPal please ref SANDY.
Thank you.
Below: Sandy with Floyd.
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