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Galgos del Sol (Murcia) makes saving galgos in Spain a reality!

There is an ABSOLUTE NEED to highlight the plight of galgos (greyhounds) in Spain. This blog is to help the refuge, Galgos Del Sol in Murcia, Costa Blanca.

Foster home required for Noah & Fran, PLEASE read their sad story.
Saturday, September 24, 2011 @ 8:37 PM

Noah and Fran, two (male) galgo pups around 3 mths old , are desperately seeking a foster home. They allegedly heard their mother being killed and are extremely EXTREMELY frightened.

At the moment Galgos del Sol can't move them out of the vets because it's causing them too much distress, however on Monday 26th September they must leave. GdS desperately want to keep them out of a kennel situation and put them into a foster home where someone has time and patience to work with them.
If you can help please contact (Murcia area of Costa Blanca, mainland Spain).

Edited to add: they have allowed someone to stroke them without them nipping them so that's a huge breakthrough.

Below: They want their mum! They're totally bewildered & scared.

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