A loving forever home needed for Julia
Friday, November 4, 2011 @ 6:22 PM
Julia was found abandoned in a small village .. Torre Pacheco .. and had made her way onto the motorway so Galgos del Sol immediately picked her up.
She is approx 1 yr old, fully vaccined, negative for leish, filaria and erlichia. She will be spayed in due course.
Julia is a little nervous around adults but is outstanding with children. She loves her tummy tickles and will roll around all day long if it means keeping a child happy. What a beauty!
Julia ha abandonado en un pueblo en Torre Pacheco y se fue un dia por el autovia muy peligroso. Hemos cogido.
Julia tiene 1 anos, tiene todo su vacunas, negativo por leishmania, filaria y erlichia y castrada.
Julia es muy buena con ninos, gusta mucho jugar con los ninos. Ella aveces puede esta timida con adultos pero solo necesita poco tiempo.
Hara una companera genial.
Please contact Tina, President of Galgos del Sol charity in the province of Murcia in Spain on galgosdelsol@hotmail.com
Many thanks.

If you have some spare euros please help this worthy charity. Click on image for details >> 
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