Happy times ahead for Pedro.
Saturday, April 14, 2012 @ 11:35 PM
Little Pedro was born in a field in Torre Pacheo, a town well known for galgo abandonment. Sometimes we drive around this town just to see if there are any that need to be caught. Pedro was amongst other wee pups that had just been born and, with it pouring with rain, we were desperate to pick them up but we had a problem... MUMMY.
We named the mum Zoe and we spent many days non-stop from early morning to late evening trying to catch her. It rained heavily during these days and we became so fed up. In the end we worked alongside Antonio from Los Infiernos refuge who darted her for us but this also wasn’t easy and took a few attempts. Finally, job done, we could take the whole family home.

Mum and pups stayed in foster with me, Tina Solera (President of Galgos del Sol) for a while and then, as they got bigger, they went to Colleen temporarily at Paradise kennels who did a marvellous job with them, then back to us at the refuge.
Pedro was the only male and soon became in charge of them all but, being male, he was also the clumsiest. He would tease his sisters and constantly be on the lookout for someone to play with. He was wonderful. He soon had a reservation for the UK with Fiona and family, we were so pleased.
Pedro set off with Mario, Molly and Guapita and arrived safely. After a few problems with diarrhoea on arrival this was soon sorted and now Pedro is a happy healthy loved little galgo. We thank you Fiona for looking after this special boy so well. We imagine now he is much bigger than in this photo as his paws looked like they belonged to a lion. Thanks again everyone especially Zoe who kept her babies safe and from harm.

Here is a video I made about Zoe & her pups.
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