Way to go, Kyle!
Monday, April 16, 2012 @ 4:45 PM
Kyle had been fostered for some time but became ill & the vet where he was had mis-diagnosed. He was brought down to GdS and we took him to San Vincente in Alicante. He was hospitalised for four days, sweet Kyle, it broke our hearts to see him so sick.

Turned out he had salmonella and all this whilst waiting to travel to Belgium to his new home. It was so frustrating knowing that his future was so bright; he just had to get through this difficult bit, he could do it, he has the spirit!
Kyle left hospital and had to have a strict diet of just rice and chicken, little and often, the biggest challenge was to get his stools firm again rather than the liquid diarrhoea he arrived with. He improved slowly and eventually could go onto a special dog food and then in time he would be fit enough to travel.
With other minor disasters along the way Kyle eventually got his flight. He had to have further treatment with special food and his tail operated on and in the good hands of Greyhounds Rescue Belgium he continues to fight fit. It’s been a long frustrating road for this boy. He is so special and deserves the best always.
Well finally he reached his forever home in Belgium and WOWSERS we think all will be ok from here on in.
Look at him go, he is running like the wind, playing like a puppy and is respected as he should be.

Kyle, our hearts broke for you, to see you like this puts everything right again, we wish you every happiness in your new home and we hope to continue seeing such amazing photos of you having the absolute time of your life.
Thank you Harvey at Greyhounds Rescue Belgium and thanks to his new mum. Big hug Kyle!
Kyle was sponsored by GIN UK. With thanks again!
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