Whitney ... another happy ending.
Saturday, April 21, 2012 @ 1:29 PM
Whitney was rescued by a lady called Jenny. She was desperate to find her a place to go and on ringing GdS we couldn’t take anymore at this point as we were more than full. Our good friend Colleen at paradise kennels offered to kennel Whitney if we took her on as a GdS galga. Done deal.
Whitney got on great with Colleen. She started off quite a nervous galga but did improve day by day, little by little with patience. Colleen has plenty of this.
We were delighted when Whitney got a reservation with Galgo V Nouzi in the Czech Repulic. It was quick goodbye with Colleen and then she travelled alongside Fran to Germany where she would meet her new mum and then travel onto her new home north of Prague.
We have since been in touch and Whitney is doing just fine. She has many a get together with other galgos including others from GdS like Lasha (Leanne) and Olympia and we can see she is in wonderful hands. Big cheer for Whitney!
We thank Jenny for catching this sweet girl and Colleen for working alongside us to keep her safe. Then of course we thank Galgo V Nouzi for finding her a wonderful home.
Great team work guys, another one off the road and in her forever home!

Anyone wishing to donate to Galgos del Sol please click here for details of how to donate & thank you so much.

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